(May 2013) - Starting New EFS Emperor Wars PBEM Game

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Vertab Nukks
Fighter pilot
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(May 2013) - Starting New EFS Emperor Wars PBEM Game

Postby Vertab Nukks » Wed May 22, 2013 8:28 pm

Hello to everyone that still enjoys playing this wonderful classic game, several of us at the EFS Steam Group are starting a new PBEM game and are looking for committed players to join, if you are interested please send me an email at bryanjosephmills@gmail.com.

Also, here is the link to the Emperor Wars Mod, (in it's final version a combination of EFS 1.4, Reality Mod, and Emperor Wars) if you have any problems running it please let me know.

Please remember Emperor Wars is the most advanced Mod out there and the Church, League, and Symbiots are really aggressive but it is a lot of fun.

EFS – Emperor Wars Mod Full.zip

Vertab Nukks

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