Emperor Wars Version 3.2 Update!!! (Updated 10/21/14)

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Vertab Nukks
Fighter pilot
Posts: 39
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Emperor Wars Version 3.2 Update!!! (Updated 10/21/14)

Postby Vertab Nukks » Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:42 pm

I added a plethora of new unique house units to this update!

- The Devil Beliah (Pirate holding Icon for Ransom)
- Hidden Martyrs (Li Halan Secret Police)
- Jakovian Agency (Decados Secret Police)
- The Rooks (Hawkwood Intelligence Service)
- Imperial Eye Operatives
- Obun Diplomatic Transport
- Champions of Vhem (Obun Warriors - Hawkwood Unit)
- Fifth Dark Legion (Ukar Warriors - Al-Malik Unit)
- and much more!!!!!

Emperor of the Fading Suns Emperor Wars Version 3.2
https://sites.google.com/site/emperorwa ... ---downlao

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