unit healing

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unit healing

Postby woutergr » Sun May 18, 2003 1:07 am

When I was testing if hospitals heal units faster than other units I stumbeled on a most interesting detail.

Using a mapeditor I put 2 rebel megatanks next to 4 of mine. I also placed a rebel destroyer in orbit. When I attacked these units mine took damage and started healing at 2 point/turns and at 12 when in a city. So far no surprises.

I edited the map again and placed a hospital. This time my units outside the city/in orbit healed at 9 points/turn and at 19 points in any city. The hospital added 7 points to the planetary repair rate.
An additional hospital increased this repair bonus to 12 making for a 24 points/turn in cities or 14 when in orbit or outside any cities. Additional hospitals after the second didn't affect the repairrate.
I also went as far as researching hospitals and building one. As the hospital's health increased so did the planetary repairbonus.

I used the nova patch, Li-Halan as my house. I also started the game with different rulers as I mistakenly thought I had stumbled upon a bug. I have not read this information in "The truth about efs" (I checked). If this is common knowledge among veterans it should be included in "The truth about efs", if not perhaps someone could do a similar experiment and confirm my results.

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Re: unit healing

Postby Russell » Mon May 19, 2003 8:56 pm

I had known hospitals increase health regeneration, but I did not know it increased planetary health regeneration, and I did not know the effect of having two hospitals (though many times I would build more than 2)

It's good to know the exact stats, thanks for checking that out.

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Re: unit healing

Postby Maur13 » Wed May 28, 2003 8:04 pm

Do they increase healing rate of your units or all units (the obvious answer would be the first one, but well...)

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