Remake Idea

all the talk around the remake

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Remake Idea

Postby Luxor » Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:09 pm

Hello to everybody.

I came up with an idea for remaking a new version of EFS. I am starting learning Unity and wandering if anyone here already knows it and might be interested in starting a kickstarter for the project.

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Re: Remake Idea

Postby Kosh2 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:51 am

Hello! It`s a interesting idea, thanks

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Re: Remake Idea

Postby Bfriudo » Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:33 am

Well it's not the first time this specific idea tickles the minds of brave programmers. Sadly all remake projects didn't last long enough, but God knows this game deserves this kind of rightful justice.
With this said I don't wanna bring down any new attempt to breathe new life into the EFS universe, though I wouldn't be able to help with programming. I have been long tinkering with the game editor and went as far as creating a whole new slew of units with matching images and a (partially complete) new galaxy based on actual Jump system, but couldn't manage to make the updated tech tree work...all I could offer would be ideas for units (the easiest task :oops: ).
Well anyways good luck with the project, whatever step you'll reach! I always love some rant/chat/brainfart about EFS and keep coming back here to read so feel free to post whatever...hmm, wait what's that? An unguarded rebel Relic?

Defender has hidden units! Whoops!

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