Detail Screens - House overview and scores.

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Detail Screens - House overview and scores.

Postby Deathifier » Tue Jul 30, 2002 5:00 pm

I consider the basic general overview of our direction to be well underway, so now we can move into more detailed stuff.

To start with, we have the screens that show relative house power - including the power/score graph.

Now I have a bit of a gripe with this screen, all the statistics seem close together, sometimes even when there is a large gap between two houses.

I suggest that instead of using absolute values (like house XYZ is 50% along in tech research) that instead it show the leading house with a full bar and the other houses relative to that.

For the scores screen, I think it should be split - right now it shows the total including ministry resources.
This, of course, makes things all skewed.
Something that may make it better is to keep the one graph but let the players show it in different forms:

- House owned items only.
- Ministry owned items only.
- A combination of both.

Also when calculating the actual score for a house, what should it be based on?
I don't know if anyone has disected the scoring system yet however it makes sense to add in *everything* (remember that the score shown is based on the state of the power graph, so it can also only show the house score or ministry score).

What exactly should each 'thing' that a house owns be worth?
Obviously scepters are something that should award a set number of points each (and pretty significant), each tech should add in points (perhaps the upkeep cost?) and each unit of resource adds a set value to the total.

However, what are resources worth? Should they be converted to a common denominator (eg firebirds based on what the league would pay) and then some percentage of that taken?

Units could be looked at in terms of the resources required to build. Unfortunately this happens to overlook the importance of specific units - such as Nobles and Relics (which typically don't cost anything to make).

A solution to this could be a field in the unit data files, where a score point value boost can be entered. This value can then be added (or used in place of) that calculated by working out what its worth in terms of resources and possibly time taken to build and experience level.

That generally covers most of a house, but there are other things - holding a ministry or being the regent is obviously worth something. The number of planets owned and net income are another. You could even break down buildings by type, eg. count all the manufacturing buildings - but that's probably much too detailed (and expensive to calculate).

So, what are peoples thoughts on these ideas?
Is there anything else that should be included?

- Deathifier

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